
Why The Indoor Air Quality Business?

The indoor air quality industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, as increasing numbers of homeowners become aware of germs and allergens present within their living spaces. Many contractors remain unaware of the vast potential in this untapped market, which offers lucrative opportunities to boost revenue or establish a new division within their existing HVAC or carpet cleaning businesses.





air-care technician's truck image

Air-Care is the world’s premier manufacturer of air duct cleaning equipment, supplies, and a trusted provider of comprehensive air duct cleaning training. In addition to our exceptional air duct cleaning solutions, we produce electrostatic air filters designed to replace disposable furnace filters. Our extensive product line features negative air machines, contact cleaning machines, foggers, chemicals, duct inspection systems, and much more.



Why should air ducts be cleaned?

Research indicates that indoor air can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. Most disposable filters only remove approximately 10% of these pollutants, allowing 90% to enter the air system – this can even occur during the construction of a new home. Pollutants include dust, pollen, mold spores, animal dander, and more. These materials accumulate in the furnace, air conditioner, and duct surfaces, just as they do on furniture and flooring. While furniture and floors are regularly cleaned, duct surfaces remain hidden and require specialized duct cleaning equipment for proper maintenance. If left unaddressed, these pollutants can re-enter the room or serve as a food source for mold and bacteria, which thrive in dark, comfortable environments with high humidity or moisture from air conditioners or humidifiers. Biological growth can release mold spores or toxins into the air system, compromising indoor air quality.

How can mold grow in a duct system and what problems can it cause?

Mold spores need a stable temperature, a food source, and moisture to survive and reproduce. Dust and dirt that pass through the filter serve as an ideal food source. The furnace or air conditioner maintains a comfortable temperature, while moisture is available from humid environmental conditions, the furnace’s humidifier, or the cooling coils in an air conditioner. Live molds can release spores that trigger allergic or asthmatic reactions, sometimes severe, in approximately 10% of the population. Both living and dead mold can produce toxins that may cause short-term allergic reactions. Prolonged exposure to low levels of certain mold toxins can result in permanent chemical sensitivity to common compounds in the environment.

How should the air system be cleaned?

Air system cleaning is a simple four step process. To view the details of this process, please view our training page.

Will a dirty air system result in higher energy costs?

Depending on the amount of contamination and its location, energy consumption could be increased. If the fan blades, evaporator coil or other control components of the system are heavily contaminated, the system may have to run much longer to cool or heat the occupied space, wasting a lot of energy.

Which parts of the air system should be cleaned?

There are 3 major parts to an air system:

  1. The supply and return grills;
  2. The interior surfaces of the supply and return vents; and
  3. The furnace/air conditioner air handler.

All 3 components must be cleaned. If only one or two of the components are cleaned, the contaminates from the 3rd component will rapidly contaminate the ones that were cleaned.

How often should I have my air ducts cleaned?

Once an air system is thoroughly cleaned, it should remain clean for 3 to 7 years if properly maintained and a high arrestance filter is installed. A standard disposable filter only stops about 10% of the airborne contaminates, allowing 90% of the dust in the room to flow back into the air system. To maintain protection against biological growth, an EPA registered biocide should be applied every 6 to 12 months by a qualified Duct Cleaning Professional.

What are the sources of air duct contamination?

All indoor air was once outdoor air, which means that dust, chemicals, pollen, insects, and mold spores from the outside can be drawn into the air system. People shed millions of tiny dead skin cells every hour, and pollutants can also originate from sources such as cooking smoke, household insect sprays, and personal care products. Construction materials, carpets, wood products, and plastics can emit pollutants as well. During construction or remodeling activities, various types of dust are generated and can find their way into the ductwork. If the duct components were stored outside prior to construction, they might have accumulated dust, rainwater, and even mold before being installed in the system.

What does it cost to have a whole air system cleaned?

This can depend on a lot of factors, such as the size of the home, the number of supply ducts, how long since the ducts were cleaned, etc. The whole system should be cleaned and a more efficient filter installed to keep the system clean longer. A competent duct cleaning company would not be able to do this for less than $200 for a small home or $800 for a large home.